This video shows me preparing for a massage for a client who has some additional adjustments for their comfort. I want to share this with you just to show how one example of how I can make some simple tweaks to enhance your experience.
It’s important to me that I make sure each of my customer’s experience is tailored to them and their physical needs, sensory needs and personal preferences; making my massage treatment accessible.
This is just one example for one regular client.
But I am always happy to make adjustments because the most important thing is that you feel as comfortable as possible, so that your massage treatment can have the best possible effect for you.
So, if you need extra pillows or supports, the face cradle moving up or down, the music turning up / down or off, heavier or lighter blankets, to lay on your side instead of your back, or anything else I am able to adjust for your comfort, I’ll absolutely do that for you and it won’t be any trouble at all.
I want your massage to be accessible, tailored to you and help you to feel amazing in your body today.
See you very soon!
PS. I also fill in the consultation form while we talk so you don’t even need to worry about writing.